Tatakae!! Ramenman - Season 1 : Episode 21


  • Animation

This is a kungfu action story which unfolds in the old and strange land of China.Lomien-man, whose parents were murdered when he was a small boy, was brought up by a mysterious kungfu master. He underwent years of training to become a clam and composed martial arts practitioner. Having received the Secret Scripture, as authorized initiation book, from the master, he sets out on a journey to avenge his parents' death.In dangerous territory swarming with evil persons, the ring of righteousness spreads once Lomien-man appears on the scene. During the difficult journey, he grows bigger and bigger as a martial artist. Even those, who have fought fiercely one-time with Lomien-man, will later develop deep bond of friendship with him. And the old Master always gazes upon him warmly from somewhere. Thus, each time Lomien-man fights in this way, he spiritually as well as physically gets closer to becoming the mightiest martial artist.

Season 1 Episodes


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